It was dirty. Trash was everywhere. Children barely clothed laid down upon the street side for the night, having no where else to lay their head. This was my first sight of true poverty, my first experience at seeing poor and powerless people. I had just landed in Delhi, India.
This burning passion within me has not died, nor will it ever. God has blessed me with this wonderful vision of seeing a new generation in India rising up, of partaking in once orphaned children being adopted into the family of God, watching as children who love their Father more than anything else serve Him till the end of time, and uniting the nation of India to God. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. I am honored to be apart of this, and I with so many others will be a voice for the orphans, for the poor, and for the powerless.
Please join me in praying for these people: for the lost, for the child slave, for the human trafficking, for the children owned by pimps, for the poor and helpless, for those surrounded by spiritual darkness. Thank you and may God bless you.
I also have a Heart for Children. That ever ear shall hear and every heart know the Love of Christ as their Savior.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you started this, Amber! Seems like just yesterday we were sitting on a bus heading to the Taj talking about this very sort of thing.