Things were kind of going rough. Nothing was at all how I had expected it to be. It seemed like we were rained in more often than not, and being held hostage by weather in a small house with so many other people had its challenges. We had been to the orphanage many times before; however, things kept preventing us from going, besides the weather. The founder of the orphanage kept scheduling other individuals from America to minister to the kids. I am pleased that the orphans were able to bless other groups, but we had come to pour ourselves out to those kids for an entire summer. It was hard to share them; it was hard to be refused to see them. Deep down, we knew something more was happening. It came to the point where we had to involve our supervisor's supervisor. And it was then that we learned the hard truth, but also realized the extreme miracle and blessing it was that us four women went to India.

Just a week or two before our departure day, the orphanage we were to serve at and the company we were being sent through were breaking their contract. The company debated whether or not to cancel the trip, whether or not to have us go. By then I, personally, had already quit my job, and we all were just waiting for the day we would fly out. It would have been heart breaking, extremely disappointing, to receive a phone call of rejection after almost a year of preparation. But God had other plans. He so desired us to be there, and there we went. Though it was hard to be denied access to the orphanage, God used such events to allow us to minister to village children that would have never received our attention if things would not have happened as they did. Children heard the gospel no matter what.
Sometimes I would question whether or not God had actually called me to India. I struggled with why I went; I was confused about majoring in art if the children there did not even understand English; I basically began to question my calling entirely. However, God placed information and people in my life during that time in India to encourage me, and to reassure me that I am following God's will. It was amazing to hear and truly understand the extreme miracle that I was apart of that team to go to India. Though there were four openings, the South Carolina BSM had claimed three of those positions. I do not know who else applied for the project that I eventually was accepted to, I just know that God wanted me to be the one to go. So much of who I am was changed by that trip, or more so by God in that country. There are just some things concerning God's will that cannot be changed, and me going to India was one of them. Praise Him!

Just a week or two before our departure day, the orphanage we were to serve at and the company we were being sent through were breaking their contract. The company debated whether or not to cancel the trip, whether or not to have us go. By then I, personally, had already quit my job, and we all were just waiting for the day we would fly out. It would have been heart breaking, extremely disappointing, to receive a phone call of rejection after almost a year of preparation. But God had other plans. He so desired us to be there, and there we went. Though it was hard to be denied access to the orphanage, God used such events to allow us to minister to village children that would have never received our attention if things would not have happened as they did. Children heard the gospel no matter what.
Sometimes I would question whether or not God had actually called me to India. I struggled with why I went; I was confused about majoring in art if the children there did not even understand English; I basically began to question my calling entirely. However, God placed information and people in my life during that time in India to encourage me, and to reassure me that I am following God's will. It was amazing to hear and truly understand the extreme miracle that I was apart of that team to go to India. Though there were four openings, the South Carolina BSM had claimed three of those positions. I do not know who else applied for the project that I eventually was accepted to, I just know that God wanted me to be the one to go. So much of who I am was changed by that trip, or more so by God in that country. There are just some things concerning God's will that cannot be changed, and me going to India was one of them. Praise Him!